You should watch this video….seriously…dont just answer the question…its pretty profound…

Why do you suppose people harass and pick on others who are weaker and/or defenseless? Do you know what it feels like to bully or be bullied? I feel that I have yet to really see anything of that sort at this school, which from my perspective seems to be very tolerant of all walks of life. Is bullying something that happens behind teachers backs? Do we just not notice it?

19 thoughts on “You should watch this video….seriously…dont just answer the question…its pretty profound…

  1. While this school is rather tame, I was definitely bullied at another school. I was never really told that I was being bullied, I would just sometimes be walking and then people would hit me. Like, I remember one time I was slowly making my was toward the front of the line, because this was the second or third grade and because I was a line leader, and as our teacher turned around this boy punched me in the stomach. I don’t know why and I think that tat’s what’s concerned me for most of my life. My brothers could also be seen as bullies, always telling me that I’m bad at singing, or jokes, or simple human interactions. And because I’ve known that for all of my life as opposed to vice versa, I believe it. Beyond that, I relate far too much to the characters in this video. It’s as if I could use a part of each of their stories to tell my own.

  2. I was bullied in middle school, until one day I decided to stand my ground and not put up with it anymore. Bullying does happen everywhere just not as much here.

  3. I think people pick on others that they believe wont fight back. I have not been bullied but everybody has been neglected or hurt in many different ways. Bullying is happening everywhere all the time and we all notice but never say anything for the fear of people bullying us for telling.

  4. I feel that bullies have insecurities or feelings that they focus on and they take it out on the weaker or better looking that are defenseless. I do not know what it feels like to be bullied or bully people. I believe at times bullying, happens behind teachers backs. Say when someone walks home, they would get jumped like every single school day. If it gets bad enough teachers notice it but most of the time as the weak flare out for help no one listens to them.

  5. Bullying is obvious, teachers never notice because they never pay attention , their paid to teach not to listen. They expect a scared child to ask for help when everybody is busy and preoccupied. I have no idea why people bully, i personally believe a good hobby would straighten any delinquent out.

  6. Bullying is everywhere and is very noticeable. The bullies can be detected and are usually the bigger kids opposed to the smaller “nerdy” kids. The reason to bully is probably because the kids have a problem themselves and have to pick on the kids that have everything fine and dandy.

  7. You just can’t show fear. If someone is tryin to break you down, you break them down first. Dont let anyone try to leave you in thedirt. If you show fear that first time they will never leave you alone.

  8. yeah a lot times that happens with out the teachers noticing But to think about it that happens in big schools were their is more kids and less supervision. like at the school I’m in this does not happen . People just don’t bully people anymore. If you you have drama their is no drama its just you being dumb and immature you want drama go to a public school and experience real drama

  9. Actually yes I know how it feels to be bullied, it’s a horrible feeling. Well the people who harras others usually pick on the weak ones. Why? Because they choose to hurt them more and make them feel like they are a nobody. Everyone should be treated the same with respect! Those who have a kind warm heart are the ones that don’t fear their enemy. It’s very crucial to see someone hurt so bad. Bullying is shown behind teachers backs yes. Their are sometimes you can’t see bullying, but others times you can by seeing the persons face, with a frown or without it. bullying must stop!

  10. I think bulling takes place because the bully is insecure, or just trying to show off for there friends just so they will like them. They bring others down just so they can make there selfs feel better. or, maybe they are just hurt deep inside and they are just bitter. All they may think is that every person is the same or they just want someone else to feel the pain they suffered. I guess i can say I was once the bully, and once bullied? I think it happens every where, even in front of teachers. But this school has no bullies, so yeah.

  11. I know those feelings of being a stand alone kid in the middle of the night. I know what it feels like to be unwanted, to be used and walked all over. I have done a lot to help everyone and i still get walked all over. Why do i keep doing than? Because i know what it feels like to lose everything, I know how it feels to get shoved down into the dirt. I know how that feels and i never will let a single person who will let me help them feel alone.

  12. I Think People Pick On Others Because They Feel Insecure About Their Own Life/Body So Do Make Themselves Look Or Feel Better They Pick On Someone. I Do Know what It Is Like To Be Bullied And To Bully. When I Was Younger I would Get Picked On Because I Had A Mow Hawk And I Looked Like A Boy, So To Make Myself Feel Better I Would Make Fun Of This Boy In My Class. I Eventually Saw What I Was Doing And Saw How I Was No Better Then The Person Picking On Me. So I Apologized To That Boy And Befriended Him. I Do Think Bulling Happens Almost Everywhere Teachers Dont See It, But As Of Here I Havent Really Seen It So Thats Good.

  13. I think it has to do with problems in or outside of school. I do know how it feels to be bullied. To be honest i think it happens in front of the teachers they just dont bother to notice or think tha they are playing around with them but in reality they are teasing them. You dont notice it. Well mainly in pjublic schools im not so sure about or small charter school.

  14. I used to be bullied in school, and it sucks. The people who bully are often insecure about themselves to the point where hate is their only form of ‘love’. IT’s pretty stupid. Being a bully is never good, never.

  15. Because they are insecure about themselves and when they see someone who probably is insecure too they pick on them to make themselves feel better. Yes i know what its like to be bullied and i have bullied someone before and i honestly could not have felt worse about that. Some teachers are aware of the bullying but sometimes they have the mentality of “let them work it out for themselves” or they dont want to see it so they look away. I dont see how they cant see the bullying. If you just look at the student most of the time you can see that they are sad or upset and they should at least ask what is wrong with them.

  16. I think people bully because they have been bullied themselves and want that person to feel the same. I have been bullied and when that girl picked on me i could tell she was hurt…. so i took what she had to say and ended up hurting myself.

  17. I think we’ve all been bullied at one point or another, most of us most definitely more than others. The thing abut it is, though it happens almost perpetually throughout our lives, it often goes unnoticed, or people end up victims of blatant apathy on the parts of people who could have saved them from torment. The fact that people would inflict pain on others for sheer pleasure, redemption, or as a means to quench some insatiable taste for violence is just beyond me. It isn’t pleasant in the least, an it’s absolutely destroyed people. Those who last long enough grow to realize that the opinions and words of others, their thoughts and actions inflicted upon the bullied, are merely empty acts executed by people who are merely trying to feel greater themselves. Bullying can kill, and has been known to. It’s a terrible thing to be put through, and everything one can possibly do to prevent bullying from happening to those they love should be exercised as soon as the signs are shown. It could just make someone’s life.

  18. I believe that the saying “kids are cruel” doesn’t mean the same thing now as it used to. Now kids tease because they know that if they don’t play the bully, they’ll be cast as the victim. It’s not that they really want to, it’s that they have to. Early bird catches the worm. Survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. I know exactly was it feels like to be at the end of that torture stake. I’ve spent most of my life patching up my woulds, emotional and physical. Bullying happens everywhere. Even it’s it’s a joke that the teller doesn’t intend on wounding with. It’s just something they say to or about another person that’s offensive or rude or simply unkind. You never know how much of an effect your words have on another person so it’s just best no think before you speak and understand that if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

  19. iv never been bullied before therefore i never bullied anyone else. Bullies find pleasure in making fun of others so they seem BIG to everyone else, while inside them they feel small. They reach for attention the wrong way, they teat others like they’ve been treated before. Bullies will be the ones alone !

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