The Great Dictator

This speech, performed by the great Charlie Chaplin, though written over 70 years ago in a world far less tolerant and accessible still seems very relevant to our current social and political standing. It is truly inspiring and yet very disconcerting to know that we are still struggling for these same basic rights 70 years […]

Morality, Intelligence, and Beneficence

What do you suppose Bertrand Russell is refering to when he says to “never let yourself be diverted by what you wish to believe, or by what you think would have beneficent social effects if it were believed”? How do you interpret his understanding of tolerance? heres the transcript: “I should like to say two […]

The sleeper awakes within me

When I first got into college, back in 2002, something in me changed. I found the pursuit of knowledge to be beneficial to my future and spirit, no matter how daunting the task. I created a playlist that I listened to continuously as I briskly walked through the sunny courtyard of St. Mary’s in between […]

How to feel better

Keeping in the same train of thought as yesterdays blog, I felt it would be appropriate to include the above video. While lonliness is something that can indeed be taken advantage of, it still may be a very difficult thing to embrace. Of course, we humans have a tendency to be pretty resilient in our […]

A practical guide to personal freedom

When I was in highschool, I read a book by Don Miguel Ruiz called The Four agreements: A practical guide to personal freedom. I was always drawn more toward being ethical above all the spiritual confusion that a highschooler typically encounters. The four agreements to me were simple and concise, yet broad and subjectively interpretable. […]

Nostalgia in my memories

When I was a kid, my favorite time of year was summer; especially the very beginning of summer, being the longest distance between myself and the start of a new school year. During the summer I swam in our above ground dingy swimming pool, fired my supersoaker at its maximum distance, ate lots of popsicles […]

Chaos and complexity

The following song by Yann Tiersen is very simple and redundant, yet I couldnt stop listening to it. I have always made fun of a lot of modern art for this reason, but never saw how music can do the same thing. Do you think that music has to be complex to be “good.” Why […]