Alone in Chinatown

On my very first trip abroad, I decided to go to China. A friend of mine was going to be passing through the country and invited me to meet him in Shanghai. This was a pretty big deal for me since at this point in my life, I rarely left my house, let alone the […]

Roads less travelled

With all the comforts and luxuries that America affords us, it is easy to become very comfortable. In fact, many of us become so comfortable that we just stay put. Some people never leave their state, city, or neighborhood. Some people never experience new foods, new ideas, new friends, new ways of life, etc. Many […]

Leaving Footprints

In many of my posts, I poke and prod about your life long goals; essentially asking what you want to do with your small amount of time on this planet. The common answer? To leave some sort of “footprint” or legacy. Many of your replies use the medium of music as a means toward achieving […]

Phases of ourselves

Upon my recent excursion to New Orleans, I happened across a group of what I could only determine to be”street vagrants.” This group of people seemed to all be dawning the traditional “punk” uniform, i.e. shaved head, mohawk, denim vests with the sleeves cut off, spiked ornaments poking out at every angle. I couldn’t help but notice […]

Does Crazy breed Genius?

This is Phil Spector. He is arguable one of the greatest producers of our time. He is responsible for many of the timeless songs you’ve come to know today from the Ronettes to the Ramones. He also has a notoriously temperamental personality and is currently serving a life sentence in jail for the murder of […]