14 thoughts on “Was Einstein right?

  1. i think that time has come..alot of people are lot that but not every single person…so we have alot of idiots but not everyone is one.

  2. Well Albert Einstein didn’t get to live to see the day but he was right. People have fond it easier to communicate through phones which it is easier ,kind of a ice breaker. But then they are on there phone way to much . So technology has surpassed human interaction slightly because people still talk to each other .

  3. At times I do think that einstein was correct. If you look at our generation, people in the future would think of us as the generation of technology.

  4. I think in some cases Einstein is right. There are people who do not interact except on technology and some of those people are idiots. However, there are some people that interact on technology that are extremely intelligent. I talk with some of my friends exclusively on the computer because they live in different states or even countries but my friends and I are hardly unintelligent. We discuss feminism and politics and analyze literature. So Einstein is only right in some cases. It depends on the situation.

  5. This is pretty funny. I think he was right. Our now generation is far more lazier than our parents parents.

  6. This is so true I see all the time and i say i do it sometimes to but i try my best not be like that. Like try to get into something and not really look at my phone. Some people just don’t know when to get their face out of their phone.

  7. I totally agree with Albert Einstein. Technology now is a distraction for lots of people. Some people say “How can we live without technology?”. Well if there wasn’t technology now then we would all have to challenge ourselves and educate ourselves more.

  8. I Think He Was Right, I Mean Almost All Kids, Adults And Children Have Some Kind Of To Distract Them From The Real World. And With All This Technology Distracting Them They Don’t Learn What They Are Supposed To Be So Thats Where The Term Idiot Comes In. I Just Think We Take All This Technology For Granted And Over Do It.

  9. Indeed, he was. but he was only right to he extent that we over use the things we can use. Skype and Facetime you can talk and send messages though the interwebs. But than we have our moments where we over use what we have been given.

  10. oh there is no doubt in my mind that i think he’s telling the truth. Technology will make us weak if we use it 24/7

  11. The day has come and they only way we can leave this trait is if all of technology was whipped off the slate. There will come a time when all fears will come true and well Albert’s fear has come true. We are stuck to our technology, closer than our families how sad.

  12. It’s sad but true. This is how we live today. Human interaction is dependent upon our cell phones. Our communication skills are at a zero when we are faced with each other physically. It’s easier to say what we want to people without them being there to see us. It’s easier to talk. It’s easier to insult. It’s easier to lie.

  13. I think Einstein was right in one way… technology distracts us. If we could all put down our phones every once in a while then people would be more interactive and social

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